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Tuesday 7th Jul 2015
Jesal Hirani and Laura Galluccio, members of Badley Ashton’s Carbonate Team will be in attendance at the 15th Bathurst Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists, which this year is being held at the University of Edinburgh from the 13th to the 16th of July.Jesal will be presenting a poster entitled ‘Timing and temperature of dolomitisation within fault-fracture controlled dolomite bodies, Hammam Faraun Fault Block, Gulf of Suez’ which is based on work undertaken for her PhD. She is also a co-author on a second poster entitled ‘Fault-controlled dolomitisation in extensional basins’.Laura Galluccio is the co-author of a poster entitled ‘Impact of early dolomitization on multi-scale petrophysical heterogeneities and fracture density on low-porosity carbonates (‘middle’ Cretaceous, southern Apennines, Italy), which is based on work carried out during her time at the University of Naples.Jesal and Laura will be very happy to discuss how Badley Ashton’s Carbonate Teams can help you with the interpretation and characterisation of carbonate reservoirs at the conference, so please come and say hello. If you would like to find out more information about this conference, including the full scientific programme, please follow this link.