Monday 26th Feb 2024
Working alongside colleagues from Sultan Qaboos University and the University of Ferrara, Badley Ashton’s Dr. Laura Galluccio has had a paper published in ‘Carbonates and Evaporites’. Entitled “Lithostratigraphy and limestone microfacies of the Oligocene lagoonal, coral patch reef-bearing Maʼahm Beds (South Mawaleh, Oman)”. The Oligocene of the eastern area of the Arabian Plate is poorly exposed and poorly understood. This study makes the first bed-by-bed study of the Oligocene coral-bearing Ma’ahm Beds, with the aim of analysing their standard microfacies and elucidating their depositional environment.
If you would like more information about either this paper or the entire volume, you can find more information here. If you are interested in seeing some of the other papers and presentations that Badley Ashton staff have produced, please take a look at the staff publications page.