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Thursday 3rd Aug 2017
The Geological Society’s Special Publication No. 459 – Subseismic-Scale Reservoir Deformation has begun to be released in the Online First section of the Geological Society’s Lyell Collection. This volume is a collection of papers based around the Geological Society’s “Small to Subseismic-Scale Reservoir Deformation” conference back in October 2014. Badley Ashton’s Dr. Mike Ashton was a convenor of the conference and is one of the editors of this exciting new volume.SP459 Subseismic-Scale Reservoir Deformation
Edited by M. Ashton, S. J. Dee and O. P. WennburgThe book highlights the current thinking on the characterization and understanding of complex small-scale subsurface deformation. It will appeal to geoscientists, petrophysicists and engineers working in reservoir appraisal and development, where understanding of structural features is necessary to define better subsurface flow characteristics, to improve reservoir models and constrain the range of subseismic uncertainty.To find out more about the volume and view the articles which have been accepted for publication, please click on the link below.