Badley Ashton’s Nicolas Foote will be presenting at the upcoming Geological Society conference – Application of hydrocarbon subsurface workflows to CCS.
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Badley Ashton geologists Laura Galluccio, Catherine Breislin, Nick Foote and Steve Ehrenberg will all be in attendance at the AAPG Carbonate Sequences ...
Badley Ashton's Laura Galluccio will be part of the committee for the upcoming AAPG 'Carbonate Reservoirs and Sequences: the Challenge Continues', which ...
COVID UPDATE, January 2021:
A message from the DirectorsDespite the on-going challenges the industry faces during the COVID pandemic, Badley Ashton continues to ...
Working alongside colleagues from both academia and industry, Badley Ashton's Dr. Anthony Tendil has had a paper published in the journal 'Cretaceous ...
Badley Ashton and Associates Ltd were invited by the Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari-Boumediene (USTHB) in Algiers to participate ...
COVID UPDATE, January 2021:
A message from the DirectorsDespite the significant challenges the industry has faced due to the COVID pandemic throughout 2020 and ...